Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blog 9: Free writing

The economy is described as a system of producing and distributing goods and services (Henslin 2014). A person would never guess that a company like Wal-Mart could take over an economy and ruin it, but that's just what this multinational company has done. They accomplish this task by importing cheap goods from overseas, and in turn they sell them for a larger profit than if they were to buy from their own country (The United States). I love how Americans are fully against child labor and abusing children, but we buy our products from countries where that type of thing is fine. That fact amazes me Wal-Mart is tearing our country to pieces, we often find ourselves there because of convenience, I mean they have everything in one place. Did you know for every Wal-Mart or Super-center built it takes out two small town businesses? Walmart began in the 70's when American's demanded for bargain shopping, but all we did was commit suicide on that. They told everyone it's "American Made" and even advertised that way, soon enough they dropped most American products and began selling products from overseas. Their goal was to create more jobs, but all they did is take jobs away ( When they open up and two stores have to shut down and they can only guarantee so many jobs that puts people into unemployment, it's outrageous. I encourage people to shop locally especially if they want to keep their small town stores around.

Henslin, James. "Chapter 1: Origins of Sociology." Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach. 12th ed. New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 2014. 10. Print.

"New Report: Wal-Mart Destroys Local Economy." PopularResistanceOrg. N.p., 14 Aug. 2013. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.

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